Tuesday – Beginners Classes 45 mins hour 6:00PM
Join Karen every Tuesday when she will be introducing you to the wonderful practice that is Yoga.
As most people can’t commit to a full beginners course during the summer months due to family commitments over the summer holidays, we will be dedicating our Tuesdays to Beginners.
So whether you are a complete beginner or whether you are just coming back to Yoga after a long break then our NEW Tuesday classes could be exactly what you are looking for.
In our 45 minute Flow we will introduce you to the breath work, guide you through meditation and give you the tools to have a go at home, we will take the body through the basics of a Yoga Flow, Vinyasa based some weeks, Yin and Restorative Nidra.
This is a great opportunity to learn from Yoga Alliance Professionals, in a Gorgeous Yoga Studio, complete with Zen Garden and with Free Parking.
We don’t require a membership fee, you can just pick and choose when you want to come along by clicking one of our Tuesday dates in July and August.
The Classes are £8 and is bookable online from this evening.
Bring Yoga into your life, I promise you won’t regret it…….. Karen x
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