2. Tuesday Chair Yoga – 2.30pm Phoenix Centre


NEW CLASS ALERT!! Chair Yoga for all ⬇

Chair Yoga what is it?
It’s Yoga on a chair ☺
Chair yoga is a much gentler form of Yoga, we generally do Yoga sitting on a chair or we use the chair for extra support, it’s also a much more mindful practice as we take things at a slower pace, we also use the chair for meditation which is sometimes more accessible for some people than having to sit on a hard floor.
We can generally practice most of the asanas on the chair, you’d be amazed at how the chair can offer a much deeper stretch when we utilise it properly.
I love to teach chair Yoga and I often teach this type of Yoga too in the workplace after passing my Yoga teacher training back in 2021.
Want to know more?
Drop a comment below and I’ll send you details.
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Tuesday Chair Yoga – 2.30pm Phoenix Centre

 Starts at 2:30pm Prompt


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